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Older Berg Larsen Hard Rubber 100/1 M Mouthpiece for Alto Sax - Bullet Chamber

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Product ID: Berg100o1MHRAltHF


HELP, I Want One!

This is a nice Berg Larsen hard rubber 100/1 M mouthpiece for alto sax. The piece is in great shape and show cases the classic Berg Larsen bullet chamber. 
Its outer body is in excellent condition and shows no signs of major wear or serious play time by the last user. The facing profile of the, table, tip and side rails is great shape. This mouthpiece does include the original cap and ligature set.
This is an item for the alto player looking for a big tip mouthpiece they can put a ton of air though. The piece has a very full and robust character with a powerful sonic presence.
The tip opening on this mouthpiece measures .101”