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Vintage 'Mark VI' Style Yanagisawa-made Vito Soprano Saxophone - Serial # 04774991

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Product ID: 04774991VitoSop


HELP, I Want One!


This is a late 70s vintage Vito soprano saxophone made by Yanagisawa, serial number 04774991. This horn was made at a time when Yanagisawa was making their professional model sopranos fashioned after the Selmer Mark VI, and it has the same key layout as that popular horn. If you love the Mark VI but have some sticker shock when you see them, this is the next best thing, and this horn is in tremendous shape to boot.


This horn has spent most of its life in its case, and it shows. The original lacquer is greater than 95%. Honestly most of the lacquer wear on the sax is around the neckstrap ring on the body tube. Like the Mark VI, these sopranos did not come from the factory with a neckstrap ring, and one has been soldered on here. The lacquer wear is found around that work, from heating the lacquer. I see only one other minor past repair, where a post near the top of the tube was slightly pushed in and later repaired. No other past damages, no major lacquer wear of note, and the sax looks incredible from top to bottom.


Like the later vintage Mark VI's, this soprano features keywork to high F#. It is a very open and free-blowing instrument with a nice resonance and a strong foundational core. You can push a lot of air through it without feeling it pushing back at you. This soprano came to us on older pads, so to do it up right, it will go through our repair shop for a full pro overhaul before shipping. We'll replace all pads and material, and adjust key heights and spring tensions for optimal play. It will come to its next owner playing like a new horn again! Fantastic deal on a solid pro level soprano.