2114 Cherokee St... | St. Louis, MO 63118 | 314-664-1234 | info@saxquest.com

Store Mouthpieces

Here at Saxquest we strive to only stock quality mouthpieces, both vintage and modern. We are very selective of what we carry, which is why you won’t see a million different brands. What you will see is a selection of what we believe to be the very best of what is available today. New products are extensively play tested before we make a decision.

We offer a wide variety of saxophone mouthpieces, brand new, used, and vintage. Every employee at Saxquest is a player as well, and we spend a lot of time play testing pieces to ensure quality. Both new and vintage pieces are played and measured, always to make sure you never buy a piece from us that ends up being “a dud”.

We also have an increasing array of quality new and used clarinet mouthpieces. Again, Saxquest is extremely sensitive to finding the best mouthpieces on the market today.

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