Original Lacquer American Engraved Selmer Mark VI Tenor Saxophone - Serial # 232073

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Product ID: 232073MarkVITenor


HELP, I Want One!

This is a late vintage Selmer Paris Mark VI tenor sax in original American style engraving, serial number 232073. This tenor is in solid shape and in original lacquer, and has never been buffed. It's a dependable sax for professional players wanting that classic Selmer sound at a lower price.


This tenor shows moderate finish wear but it is definitely original, and has never been relacquered/refinished. It has a couple resolders and minor past repairs, typical of a horn that has been out in the real world getting played, but has obviously never been abused. The bell flare has never been bent, there are no signs of trauma in the bottom bow curve, and the original neck is still in great shape too. The sax was repadded a few years ago but has been well played since, so in order to make sure it comes to its next owner in perfect playing shape, it will get a fresh pro overhaul from our repair shop. Included in the price, we'll do a full disassembly and cleaning, replace all pads and material, and regulate the action to factory specs.


This Mark VI plays with an extremely full and focused sound, in fact I was blown away with how quickly it takes your air. Very fast response and it really cuts well. You'll have no problem being heard on this tenor! It has that famous “Selmer core” that lays as a strong foundation when you push it hard, and altissimo in particular just pops. Fun horn to play!