Original Lacquer Selmer Mark VI Tenor Sax at a Great Price - Serial # 216153

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Our Price: $ 5,000.00

Product ID: 216153MarkVITenor

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Here's a great deal on a true vintage original lacquer Selmer Mark VI tenor sax, serial number 216153. This tenor has very good pads and will get a fresh pro setup/adjustment from our repair shop before shipping out, so it will be ready to play up a storm for years to come.


This horn isn't a looker, but has plenty to offer its next owner. It has the look of a tenor that has been out in the real world getting played, which is better than sitting in a closet unused. The lacquer shows moderate wear but is original; the horn has never been relacquered/refinished. Smattering of past dent work/repairs here and there, but nothing too crazy. A couple resolders on some of the lower body keyguards will be cleaned up in our shop during our work, and will look a lot better when it gets to you. The sax is currently missing its backside alt F# keyguard, but we'll source a new one on there. The original neck has previously been pulled down but is still in solid overall shape.


Pads don't look to be all that old, and are still soft and pliable, matched with original style brown plastic resonators. Though the pads look great, the sax hasn't received a true pro setup in a long time, so we're going to rectify the situation. We'll do a full disassembly and cleaning, with all new key adjustment corks/felts, and tighten up the action top to bottom. We'll even out the key heights and optimize spring tensions for feel and response. It will feel like a million bucks when you receive it.


This tenor plays with a bold sound, not overly bright but definitely has the contemporary/modern thing going for it. Lots of edge when you need it/push it. If you've been on the hunt for a true original lacquer Mark VI but feeling the pressure of the those prices approaching $10k, this one will not let you down.