Vintage King Super 20 Full Pearls Alto Saxophone, Serial #313412

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Our Price: $ 3,500.00

Product ID: 313412KingSup20Alto

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King Super 20 - Full Pearls
This is a very sweet little King Super 20 alto saxophone, serial number 313412. The Super 20 shows  pearl touches on the side keys as well as the alt F#, G# and palm keys. Like all of the best pro horns this one has seen plenty of performances in its day. As a player it is a very punchy instrument and would be an ideal item for anyone need of a horn with power and some flexibility. It is currently awaiting a professional set up in the Saxquest shop and ships in perfect playing condition.
The alto was re-lacquered at some point in time. Its current lacquer finish shows the correct color, which is nicely complemented by the clear engraving around the bell. Since the horn was re-finished there has been some history of body and solder repairs. Notably around the low Eb and C keys. The bow and bow cap are both currently in very nice shape. The neck strap ring has also been repaired in the past. This alto includes all of the original key work, guards and the original double socket sterling silver neck with matching serial number stamp. The neck octave key did receive a re-solder repair in the past. 
The purchase price of this saxophone does include a professional service and set up from our shop. The set-up will include a complete disassembly and cleaning followed by precise regulation of the key work and replacement of needed materials. 
This Super 20 alto ships out in perfect playing condition with a top notch set up from the Saxquest shop and a Protec Propac contoured case in mint condition.