Vintage Metal Berg Larsen 100/3 Offset M Tenor Sax Mouthpiece - Measures .100

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Our Price: $ 300.00
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Product ID: MBerg1003MTenorWT

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Berg Larsen 100/3 for Tenor

Neat old vintage stainless steel Berg Larsen scoop bill mouthpiece for the tenor sax. This piece has the unique 100/3 facing (offset M). You don't see the /3 chambers very often, but I particularly like them, as they offer a warmer, more colorful tone, without sacrificing the power you get on a good Berg. This piece is in very good shape, couple little nicks around the body but no serious playing wear. The bite plate has been replaced at some point and the newer one is in great shape. The facing is original and the tip measures true at .100”.